
Di seguito vengono riportate le pubblicazioni relative ad alcune delle attività svolte dal nostro gruppo di ricerca.






Licciardello G., Scuderi G., Ferraro R., Gianpetruzzi A., Russo M., Lombardo A., Raspagliesi D., Bar-Joseph M., Catara A. F.


Deep sequencing and analysis of small-RNAs in sweet orange grafted on sour orange infected with two Citrus tristeza virus isolates prevalent in Sicily
Dorsaf Y., Djelouah K., D’Onghia A. M., Catara A. F.


Effects of Aphid Trasmission on the Structure of a Mild and Severe Citrus Tristeza virus Population from Italy. Proceeding of XIIth Intl. Citrus Congress. Eds.: B. Sabater-Munoz er al. Acta Hort. 1065, ISHS 2015.
Licciardello G., Russo M., Daden M., Bar-Joseph M. and Catara A. F.


Capillary Electrophoresis-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis and Multiple Molecular Marker Genotyping Allow a Rapid Differentiation of Citrus Tristeza virus. Proceeding of XIIth Intl. Citrus Congress. Eds.: B. Sabater-Munoz er al. Acta Hort. 1065, ISHS 2015.
Licciardello G., Xiao C., Russo M., Dai S. M., Daden M., Deng Z. N., Catara A. F.


Genetic Structure of Citrus tristeza virus in Hunan Province (PR. China). Proceeding of XIIth Intl. Citrus Congress. Eds.: B. Sabater-Munoz er al. Acta Hort. 1065, ISHS 2015.
Licciardello G., Raspagliesi D., Bar-Joseph M. , Catara A.


Characterization of isolates of Citrus tristeza virus by sequential analyses of enzyme immunoassays and capillary electrophoresis-single-strand conformation polymorphisms.  J Virol Methods. 2012 May;181(2):139-47. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2012.01.015.
Lombardo A., Licciardello G., Vistoli G., Bertuccio A., Predetti A.


Virtual screening approach for the identification of potential Citrus Tristeza virus inhibitors Proceedings: Second International Symposium on Citrus Biotechnology, Acta horticulturae, 892,257-264.
Raspagliesi D., Licciardello G., Rizza S., Lombardo A., Catara A.


Quick Characterization of Citrus tristeza virus Isolates by Capillary Electrophoresis-Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Citrus Biotechnology, Acta horticulturae, 892,183-188
Raspagliesi D., Licciardello G., Lombardo A., Rizza S., Bar-Joseph M., Catara A.


A new approach for the rapid detection and characterization of mild and severe isolates of Citrus tristeza virus based on ELISA/CE-SSCP Proceedings: XVIII International Organization of Citrus virologist, IOCV Riverside CA
Raspagliesi D., Licciardello G., Rizza S., Lombardo A., Catara A.


Novel approaches to evaluate the genetic diversity of Citrus tristeza virus Proceedings: meeting at Agadir (Morocco), 01–03 March, 2010. Editor: Ferran Garcia Mari. ISBN 978-92-9067-236-4 Vol. 62, 13-19
Licciardello G., Tessitori M. , La Rosa R., Catara A., Rizza S.


Expression level of selected genes in different citrus species  inoculated with a severe strain of Citrus tristeza virus Proceedings: XVIII IOCV, Citrus Reasearch & Technology, Cordeiropolis, SP, 31 suplemento, 88, ISSN 2177-5419
Raspagliesi D., Licciardello G., Lombardo A., Rizza S., Bar-Joseph M., Catara A.


Rapid detection and characterization of Citrus tristeza virus isolates by sequential  ELISA/CE-SSCP Proceedings: XVIII IOCV, Citrus Reasearch & Technology, Cordeiropolis, SP, suplemento, 107, ISSN 2177-5419
Raspagliesi D., Licciardello G., Lombardo A., Rizza S., Bar-Joseph M., Catara A.


A new protocol for rapid detection and characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus isolates by sequential  ELISA-CE-SSCP XVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Patologia Vegetale, Firenze 14-17 Settembre 2010, Journal of Plant Pathology: 92(4 supplement): S4.94